For the first time in Poland, the Purios brand is applying artificial-intelligence (AI) technology to the construction market. The future of video marketing communication.

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We have implemented artificial-intelligence technology created by a London studio. The effect of the algorithms and production techniques used to modify the face of the same company can be seen, for example, in the campaigns with David Beckham (Malaria must Die) and Snoop Dogg and the JustEat brand (MenuLog).

Similar technology was also used to “rejuvenate” the actors in the The Irishman film, directed by Martin Scorsese (implemented by another team). With our focus on developing the Purios brand, we believe that our cutting-edge product deserves equally innovative marketing. By creating effective communication today, we are reaching for the video-communication tools of tomorrow. The studio which prepared the videos for us also works for Google, which shows the great interest in this technology among the biggest brands. In Poland, we are the first in the construction market to test artificial-intelligence technology in communicating with customers!

See how the project implementation proceeded here!

Project details

Over the last few months, we have faced the challenge of reaching our foreign customers with video content. Developing sales in these markets is one of our priorities. We decided to use the latest solutions, and apply video communication using artificial-intelligence technology in making video tutorials


The main objectives were development and sales improvement on foreign markets, as well as strengthening Purios’s brand awareness.  In this case, activities were undertaken on the French, Belgian and Romanian markets.

We have already made video tutorials for our Polish customers, which have been very-well received on the market. The completed video tutorials are mainly intended for the B2B sector. When considering making videos with subtitles or dubbing for foreign markets, we knew that this would not be a good-quality result, and would not be well received by our customers. Hence the idea of making videos in different languages, dedicated to given markets, was born. The making of subsequent recordings, the organisation of shooting days, and the entire production of 6 videos, is very costly, and requires a lot of time to achieve a satisfactory end-result. Today’s video communication is a very-demanding field. We at Purios, competing on the market primarily with a great product, but also reaching our customers with good communication, always focus on quality solutions. Nowadays, videos are leading the way in terms of online-content consumption. Therefore, while implementing the project of new videos, we came up with an idea of “translating” already-completed videos using artificial intelligence, relating to DeepFake effects.


The use of already-completed videos by their modification using artificial intelligence in such a way that the content is presented in the native language of the customer to whom the video message will be addressed. A strong emphasis was placed on making the videos look natural.

The employed technology for, among others, facial-expression modification, allowed us to create quality video materials needed for communication with customers on different international markets without the need for the additional involvement of native-speaker actors, production crews, and subsequent shooting and editing days for video recordings in various languages.  Artificial-intelligence technology has no limits. Using one well-prepared and recorded video, we were able to produce communication material in any language, which facilitated better and faster communication with customers.

Translated films

A comparison of the same video in Polish vs. in French vs. in Romanian.

Polish version:

French version:

Romanian version:

Other projects using the same technology

David Beckham  - „Malaria must Die”



Snoop Dogg - "MenuLog"



All translated Purios videos

Videos in Polish:



Videos “translated” from Polish using AI into French:



Videos “translated” from Polish using AI into Romanian:


Marcin Bacia
Marketing Director Purios/Purinova