The open-cell PUR foam is a very good and constantly improving material for the thermal insulation of buildings. Unique properties, neutrality to health and openness to diffusion are just some of the advantages of this modern building material.
It is a building insulation material applied on site. As a result of the mixing of two components at the right temperature and ratio, a pressurised liquid is sprayed; in less than 10 seconds, it turns into foam with a volume up to 100 times exceeding its liquid components. The entire process is facilitated by a specialised device which a qualified application specialist operates.
The components of the Purios open-cell system form semi-flexible PUR foam when combined.
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The continuous research and tests of the open-cell foam components enabled us to create a material characterised by unique properties.
A 25-cm thick layer of the open-cell foam suffices to meet both the high standards of the latest construction regulations (directives of the energy performance of buildings and the WT2021 regulation specifying technical conditions for buildings) and expectations of users, in other words homeowners.
The open-cell system is characterised by a low thermal conductivity coefficient, which means that it minimises the energy loss of the building. This quality ensures a constant, comfortable indoor temperature all year round, irrespective of outdoor conditions. The solution also helps reduce heating and cooling bills.
The open-cell foam structure enables water vapour to permeate through, which is key to ensuring that the building is ventilated properly. As a result, the excessive accumulation of moisture in the building partitions can be avoided, which in turn reduces the risk of mould and mildew, which can negatively affect the health and durability of the structure.
Due to its low density, the open-cell foam is very lightweight; this means that it does not put additional strain on building structures, such as roofs, walls or ceilings. It is of particular importance for older buildings, where excessive loading could lead to structural damage.
The foam expands quickly; therefore, it can be applied even in hard-to-reach areas, such as attic corners or complex wall constructions. The flexibility to adapt to the surface eliminates thermal bridges – places where heat could escape – increasing the overall insulation efficiency of the building.
Do you have any questions? Contact us! Our consultants will reply as soon as possible.
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