Insulating partition walls with polyurethane foam

Insulating partition walls with polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is an insulation expert, and not only a thermal one! Polyurethane foam serves as an excellent filling material for partition walls inside your house, ensuring maintenance of proper insulation of living rooms in a single flat at a minimum level of RA1’ = 35 dB and RA1’ = 50 dB for flat dividing walls. Explanation: RA1’ is an evaluation indicator of estimated acoustic insulation properties of a specific inner wall.

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How to Finish PUR-Foam-Insulated Facade?

How to Finish PUR-Foam-Insulated Facade?

Have you decided to insulate your house with polyurethane foam, but do not know what type of facade you can now apply? Do not worry, you are not limited just to roughcast applied by spray plastering. In fact, you have unlimited possibilities with the so-called ventilated facade, which can be made of wood, clinker brick, ceramic tiles, siding, steel and aluminium plates, fibre boards, or HPL boards. You can also apply cement-board-based smooth stucco.

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Building Insulation in Industry and Agriculture

Building Insulation in Industry and Agriculture

Polyurethane foam is one of the cheapest and most effective method of insulating industrial and agricultural buildings, including livestock and storage buildings. Livestock buildings should meet certain standards in order to fulfil their role properly. These include appropriate sanitary conditions, room and structure protection against excess moisture, and proper stable temperature indoors regardless of the season.

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